Site Map
At a Glance
Contains general information and introductory material.
- What is Magi? -- This is a good place to
start if it's your first time to the site. It explains the purpose of the
site and provides a bit of background.
- Dimensions of Gameplay
-- This outlines the framework of Magi (from the perspective of game
mechanics), along with a discussion of why this approach was chosen.
- Concepts Overview
-- Each subheading in this section talks about a significant aspect of the
game, most of which are major departures from tradition, and why that part
of the game is designed in that way. This will help give a general idea of
what it would be like to play Magi.
Game Dimensions
This section provides an introduction to each of the game's nine "dimensions"
and tried to give an idea of how it would work in the game. Additional, more
specific information pertaining to each of these aspects of the game are
accessible from the pages.
This section provides information about the various races that populate
Aerynth. They are grouped according to the primary "dimension" each
of the races occupies (although most races have access to several). This
section will only offer detail on intelligent races. Keep in mind that not all
intelligent races would necessarily be playable.
Game Mechanics
This section discusses the mechanics of Magi in greater detail,
occasionally delving into the mathematics of the game engine.
- Attributes -- This lists the various character attributes of
the game and what they do.
- Skills -- This lists the various skills characters in the game can
learn, and what they are used for.
- Luck -- An in-depth examination of the concept of luck, and how it
works in Magi.
- Character Generation -- Rules and math defining what kinds of
characters players can start with, and what kinds they can't.
- Archetypes -- Character templates, following the rules of
character generation, provided for those who would rather move straight
into the game.
- Character Advancement -- Detailed discussion of learning and
improvement of a character in the game and how it comes about.
- Combat -- Describes the myriad game mechanics invoked to cover
combat situations.
- Formulae -- All formulae used in other sections will be added to
this master list, with a short description of each.
History & Lore
This section contains information about the world of Magi and its history.
- Atlas -- Layout of the world and its various subsections. Maps,
maps, maps.
- Armory -- List of equipment and items in the game, and how
additional ones can be generated randomly.
- Bestiary -- Lists and describes various creatures that inhabit the
- Timeline -- Master timeline of the world's history up to the
present time.
- The Magi -- A general discussion of
Magi, with links to tales of various historical Magi.
- Great Magus Avegnor -- The most
powerful Magus known to history, whose prophesy foretold of a great
Magus to come.
- Future History -- I would put "SPOILER" over this section
in huge letters, but since there are currently no plans to actually build
the game, it probably doesn't matter. This section contains ideas for how
the metaplot might develop once people actually start playing the game.
This section contains various information that is either catalogued or fits
no where else.
- The Drawing Board -- A list of various problems or obstacles with
the game, or conflicts that could potentially arise, and ideas on how to
prevent or fix them. Reader input is especially valued in this section!
- Site Map -- Where you are right now. Helps you navigate the web
- FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions and their answers.
- Contributors -- The people who have helped with Magi.
A public forum for discussing ideas, asking and answering questions, and
role-play within the Magi universe.