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Rogue |
A cunning hero, adept at making surprise attacks and disabling opponents. Rogues make good melee support are an excellent counter to enemy spellcasters.
Rogue skills are good for disabling individual targets, making them most effective in waves with a small number of powerful enemies. Additionally, all the rogue skills require surprising the target, so rogues tend to be most effective when they have allies to occupy the monsters' attention.
Prerequisite: Squire level 2
Immediate Prerequisite For Archer (at level 2)
Strength Agility Intelligence Base Attributes: 17 19 13 Level Bonus: +2.8 +1.9 +1.3 Range: Melee (100) Attack: Piercing Armor: Medium
Rogue Active Skill Set: |
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Stealth |
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Step Makes the user invisible and enables Stealth attacks. |
Shadow Step Information
Shadow Step is the key Stealth skill, and you must learn it before you can use any other Stealth attacks, because all the other Stealth attacks can only be performed while you're under the effects of Shadow Step. The basic technique is to Shadow Step, sneak up to the enemy, make a Stealth attack, and then hide again. If you don't have any other Stealth skills learned yet, Shadow Step will still allow you to get bonus damage on your first attack by backstabbing your opponent.You can't Shadow Step just any time, however. You need to be a certain distance away from all enemies (this distance decreases with the level of Shadow Step), or you need to be in a position where no enemies can see you (for example, behind trees, or on top of a cliff), or you need to already be invisible. Consider purchasing a Gem of Shadows to allow you to turn invisible during a battle.
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Incapacitate Knocks out an enemy, preventing it from doing anything until it awakes. You must be Shadow Stepping to use this attack. |
Level | Duration | Cooldown | Mana Cost | Range | Area of Effect | Allowed Targets | Effect | Skill Point Cost | Cumulative Cost |
1 | 15 sec. | 6 sec. | 70 | 100 | Unit | Enemy, Non-Hero | enemy sleeps unless damaged | 100 | 100 |
2 | 30 sec. | 6 sec. | 70 | 100 | Unit | Enemy, Non-Hero | enemy sleeps unless damaged | 150 | 250 |
3 | 45 sec. | 6 sec. | 70 | 100 | Unit | Enemy, Non-Hero | enemy sleeps unless damaged | 200 | 450 |
Incapacitate Information
Even a warrior who can defeat a hundred foes who come one at a time can be defeated by ten opponents working together. Incapacitate allows you to split up monsters and engage fewer of them at a time, making it much easier to defeat them.Make sure your allies know you are using Incapacitate, so they don't accidentally wake up the monsters that you knock out.
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Blind Gives the target a chance to miss with attacks. You must be Shadow Stepping to use this attack. |
Level | Duration | Cooldown | Mana Cost | Range | Area of Effect | Allowed Targets | Effect | Skill Point Cost | Cumulative Cost |
1 | 30 sec. | 8 sec. | 90 | 100 | Unit | Enemy, Non-Hero | 33% chance to miss | 100 | 100 |
2 | 30 sec. | 8 sec. | 90 | 100 | Unit | Enemy, Non-Hero | 56% chance to miss | 210 | 310 |
3 | 30 sec. | 8 sec. | 90 | 100 | Unit | Enemy, Non-Hero | 70% chance to miss | 320 | 630 |
Blind Information
Blind is an excellent way to reduce the damage output of a dangerous foe, especially a golem. After putting a high-level blind on an opponent, he will be much less of a threat, giving you ample time to finish him off.
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Silence Renders the target unable to use spells or special abilities. You must be Shadow Stepping to use this attack. |
Level | Duration | Cooldown | Mana Cost | Range | Area of Effect | Allowed Targets | Effect | Skill Point Cost | Cumulative Cost |
1 | 25 sec. | 6 sec. | 65 | 100 | Unit | Enemy, Non-Hero | cannot use abilities | 150 | 150 |
2 | 50 sec. | 6 sec. | 65 | 100 | Unit | Enemy, Non-Hero | cannot use abilities | 200 | 350 |
3 | 75 sec. | 6 sec. | 65 | 100 | Unit | Enemy, Non-Hero | cannot use abilities | 250 | 600 |
Silence Information
Silence can relieve you from the annoyance of a lot of dangerous spells and special abilities. This is generally best used to disable one or two enemy spellcasters while you focus your attention on the rest of the monsters.
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Wound Critically injures the target, causing damage over time. You must be Shadow Stepping to use this attack. |
Level | Duration | Cooldown | Mana Cost | Range | Area of Effect | Allowed Targets | Effect | Skill Point Cost | Cumulative Cost |
1 | 15 sec. | 8 sec. | 100 | 100 | Unit | Enemy, Non-Hero | 100 damage every 3 seconds | 180 | 180 |
2 | 15 sec. | 8 sec. | 100 | 100 | Unit | Enemy, Non-Hero | 150 damage every 3 seconds | 270 | 450 |
3 | 15 sec. | 8 sec. | 100 | 100 | Unit | Enemy, Non-Hero | 200 damage every 3 seconds | 360 | 810 |
Vital Wound Information
The Rogue's most damaging attack, Vital Wound won't do a great deal of good for finishing off a weak target, but given time to achieve its full effect, it can inflict a tremendous amount of damage against a strong foe--and you don't even need to remain in range of the target the entire time.
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Meld Tactical Skill Allows the user to become invisible at night by remaining still. |
Level | Duration | Cooldown | Mana Cost | Range | Area of Effect | Allowed Targets | Effect | Skill Point Cost |
1 | Unlimited | None | None | N/A | N/A | Self | Become invisible at night while still | 70 |
Shadow Meld Information
Shadow Meld can be used to save yourself or persuade a monster to focus on someone else when you're low on health, but it is primarily used to get out of sight of monsters so that you can use Shadow Step without getting far away. Remember that this skill only works at night.Once you stop moving and attacking, it will take half a second for you to become invisible.
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Evasion Mastery Gives a chance to dodge enemy attacks. |
Level | Effect | Skill Point Cost | Cumulative Cost |
1 | 15% chance to dodge | 150 | 150 |
2 | 23% chance to dodge | 250 | 400 |
3 | 30% chance to dodge | 350 | 750 |
Evasion Information
Evasion can keep you alive significantly longer while under attack, which is especially useful if you're trying to dart in and out of the enemy ranks to make Stealth attacks. However, Evasion won't protect you against spells or area-of-effect attacks. This skill won't help you at all when fighting dragons.
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Deflection Mastery Reduces piercing damage received. |
Level | Effect | Skill Point Cost | Cumulative Cost |
1 | Reduces piercing damage taken to 75% | 120 | 120 |
2 | Reduces piercing damage taken to 60% | 200 | 320 |
3 | Reduces piercing damage taken to 50% | 280 | 600 |
Deflection Information
Unlike Evasion, Deflection will only help you against piercing attacks, but it provides substantially more protection. You may find it helpful to learn both Deflection and another mastery, then switch between them depending on what monsters you're fighting.
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Terror Aura Decreases the attack damage of nearby enemies |
Level | Area of Effect | Affected Targets | Effect | Skill Point Cost | Cumulative Cost |
1 | 450 | Enemy, Non-Hero | -15% attack damage | 300 | 300 |
2 | 450 | Enemy, Non-Hero | -23% attack damage | 500 | 800 |
3 | 450 | Enemy, Non-Hero | -30% attack damage | 700 | 1500 |
Terror Information
Terror stacks nicely with Evasion and is an excellent way to keep yourself and your allies alive longer. Your auras work even if you're invisible, so if you're too wounded to risk being attacked, you can just turn invisible and stand near the monsters to reduce their damage.